Cuir ort do chulaith oíche.
Put on your pyjamas.
Ar mhaith leat suipéar?
Would you like supper?
Gabh chuig an leithreas.
Go to the toilet.
Nigh do lámha.
Wash your hands.
Nigh d’aghaidh.
Wash your face.
Scuab do chuid fiacla.
Brush your teeth.
Ar mhaith leat scéal am luí?
Would you like a bedtime story?
Abair do chuid paidreacha.
Say your prayers.
Cuir as an teilifís.
Turn off the television.
Cuir as an solas.
Turn off the light.
Oíche mhaith.
Good night.
Codladh sámh.
Sweet dreams/sleep tight.