Aipeanna don ghuthán
Apps for the phone

Meáin chumarsáide ar líne
Online Media
Foclóirí & Cruinneas
Dictionaries & Accuracy
Dictionaries & Pronunciation
- GaelSpell & Anois are software packages.
GaelSpell is an Irish spelling checker that fixes spelling mistakes as you type in Microsoft Word on Windows and Apple desktops & laptops.
Anois helps automatically correct many grammar mistakes and works in Word on Windows computers.
Available to purchase at
- MacLitriú is an advanced spelling checker for macOS that helps you correct typos and spelling mistakes as you type in Irish. is the website of the New English-Irish Dictionary, a modern and regularly updated dictionary. The Dictionary can be downloaded for free as an app allows you to search for any English or Irish word in three previously published dictionaries
(Ó Dónaill’s Irish-English dictionary 1977, the all-Irish An Foclóir Beag 1992, and de Bhaldraithe’s English-Irish Dictionary 1959) plus a grammar and a pronunciation database